
Since I’ve Been Gone

Since I’ve been gone from the blogging world, WordPress changed the format for drafting and posting. I don’t like it. It’s taking me forever to figure out how to add photos. What is this block thing? Why can’t I just write paragraphs as if on a page? Why do I need blocks? So frustrating. 🤦‍♀️

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life, thoughts

Bloggers, Dreams, and Outings

Well hello there. I hope this blog post finds you well.Last week we took some time off to enjoy the fall weather.

Each little outing we attempted started out with mishaps. I mean mishaps to the point where we almost gave up and said, forget it, let’s not do it.We plunged forward anyway, and each outing turned out perfect.For one of our outings we entered an enchanted forest. Or at least it felt that way.I wondered if talking critters and pixies might approach us at any moment.What does this have to do with bloggers and Dreams, like the title says?

Nothing. I’m changing subjects now.

Lately, I’ve found myself having dreams about my blogger friends. In one dream, I was at some sort of a bloggers convention. Anneli was there, and so was Angela.I remember asking Anneli (in the dream) if I was pronouncing her name correctly.

I also remember asking Angela how she was doing after having to say good by to her beloved Sunburst, the horse.

A few more of you were also there, but I couldn’t make out who was who. One seemed like she might’ve been Kate and the other Kathy.

This has happened before, dreaming about bloggers, and it tells me that you’ve all had a significant influence in my life, and I thank you.Everyone stay safe and well.

blogging, life

Disappearing Bloggers

I’ve noticed lots of people dropping off from blogging lately. Not posting or visiting. During the month of August, my blog has dropped in traffic immensely. Maybe people are out there and active enjoying their last summer month. Maybe they’ve stopped blogging altogether.

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life, thoughts


This post is not about me playing funky music. Nope. It’s sort of the opposite. I’ve been in a funk lately. I haven’t been in the mood for posting. It’s not that I don’t have ideas, because there are several subjects and notes stewing, patiently waiting for their turn to be revealed.

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blogging, life

Like New

On Wednesday I posted about making new friends, but I also have friends from this blogging world that have been around for almost my entire five years. I will not call them “old” friends, because getting to know them through their regular blogs is always like new.

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blogging, life

Making Friends

People Office Co-workers Team Teamwork BusinessBlogging is so much better than facebook and twitter, at least for me. I’m not a fan of expressing myself in 140 characters, nor do I care for tons of propaganda on a wall. I like to interact both in person and through some internet venues like this one. I enjoy having people comment and making friends. I especially like having this safe place where we can go without feeling torn apart, but can find things to relate to one another. Continue reading “Making Friends”

blogging, life, writing

Reviews, Guests, and a Prophet

rosewhand2-800x674We see such division in the world these days, but when I’m online with my blogging friends and fellow authors, I feel unity. I’ve received much kindness and help from many in these communities and want to give back in at least some small way.

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blogging, life, writing

Turn off the Distractions

wintwndlnd2 (450x800) wmI’m an author who hasn’t written in twenty months. I had good intentions about a year ago, but it only lasted a week.

Oh, I’ve edited my work. I’ve written on my blog and in other social media. I’ve done lots of promo work. But, I haven’t done creative writing for short stories or novels.


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life, writing

Second Edition of the Second Edition

About every four to six posts, WordPress does not deposit my new post in their Reader for followers to see.  From what I could tell, my September 12th post did not go into the Reader, at least not on that day. Since I posted an important accomplishment, and few people visited, I’m re-posting. I apologize to those of you who came over to read this already. Thank you in advance for your support.

P.S. Would love some reviews on Amazon or Goodreads or both.

I finally did it!


Continue reading “Second Edition of the Second Edition”

life, philosophy


Time is something I feel I have very little of these days. I’m in the process of a lot of stuff happening in my life. For the next week, it’ll be difficult to get to anyone’s blogs.

tpclkbldg-589x800-wm2This is also going to be a busy summer. I may be in and out throughout the coming weeks. Maybe I’ll be able to share what’s going on when things settle down.

Hope you enjoy the timely saying about time, below.

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life, writing

Writer’s A.D.D.

laptopwritingI’m pleased to say that I’ve been writing and editing again. So, this isn’t going to be one of my longer, philosophical posts. Well, maybe . . . because I seem to get easily distracted. I don’t have A.D.D. in regular life, so what the heck happens when I’m writing?

Am I the only author that does this?

Continue reading “Writer’s A.D.D.”

holidays, life

Ode to Family Dysfunction

In all honesty, due to the circumstances in our world today, I haven’t felt much like blogging.

So, today I thought I’d share a clip from my finished novel that I’m shopping around. Okay, so it’s still trite in comparison to the tension in the world, but what I’d give for the days of just simple, good old family dysfunction.

Since Thanksgiving is this week, the below excerpt from my novel Whit’s End shows the Whitaker family dysfunction regarding that holiday. Perhaps some people can relate.

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life, writing

The Writing Process Blog Tour

Well, I’m a very late on this post, but I have a good excuse … my husband’s accident.

Some time ago, I was asked by Pete Armetta, an author whom I admire, to participate in The Writing Process Blog Tour. Please take a look at his melodic poetry and thought provoking short stories. Pete Armetta


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