friendship, life, Spirituality

Heartwarming Humanity

I don't even know where to begin with this blog post, because there is so much running through my mind that I could say. I have several online friends who I would love to get to know in-person if we lived near each other. Most reading my blog I met through WordPress. I met one… Continue reading Heartwarming Humanity

blogging, life

Simply Summer

The day after Memorial Day and for the rest of that week, I became scarce online. Do you know why? It was my wedding anniversary and we went to check out a cascade. There was no checking facebook, twitter or blog here. I didn't realize how much peace of mind I would have not reading… Continue reading Simply Summer

blogging, life

How did we Meet?

Have you ever met anyone online that became a good friend? If you're a blogger, I'm guessing you probably have. I've met many good friends from social media, and some go way back to the 90's. I like to hear stories of how people met online, because it's such a vast space to meet people,… Continue reading How did we Meet?

blogging, life

Making Friends

Blogging is so much better than facebook and twitter, at least for me. I'm not a fan of expressing myself in 140 characters, nor do I care for tons of propaganda on a wall. I like to interact both in person and through some internet venues like this one. I enjoy having people comment and… Continue reading Making Friends

life, thoughts

Fun With Q’s

Sorry, this isn't Sheldon Cooper's "Fun with Flags," but the following game is better. I've been dealing with a lot of heavy life issues these days, and it's difficult to come up with light material for the blog. My theme here is to dig deep into the human psyche, but also add a little humor.… Continue reading Fun With Q’s

life, writing

Writer’s A.D.D.

I'm pleased to say that I've been writing and editing again. So, this isn't going to be one of my longer, philosophical posts. Well, maybe . . . because I seem to get easily distracted. I don't have A.D.D. in regular life, so what the heck happens when I'm writing? Am I the only author… Continue reading Writer’s A.D.D.

family, life, thoughts

Dodging Zombies

I don't make a lot of trips to the mall (not a shopper), but I had to get something there recently. As I sauntered from Panera Bread to JC Penney, I found myself in the land of zombies! There wasn't a place I could walk without dodging people whose heads were looking down. They were… Continue reading Dodging Zombies

blogging, life

Happy First Birthday Lori’s Lane

I never thought I'd make it a week, let alone an entire year ... and counting!"You need to social network," my fellow authors told me. "Get on facebook, twitter and start a blog." Aww, pahtewy! I didn't want to have to figure out all the technical stuff to put together a blog. I already didn't… Continue reading Happy First Birthday Lori’s Lane

blogging, life, memoir, writing

Confession from a Novice Blogger

Hey, pssst, you regular bloggers out there ... why didn't you tell me this stuff was addicting? A few years ago, my writer's critique group told me I needed a blog to help promote my writing endeavors. I'm not super computer savvy and knew it would take me not hours, not days, but weeks to… Continue reading Confession from a Novice Blogger


Do blog posts always have to be happy?

I recently heard a story on the news that facebook is causing people to feel depressed. Supposedly, all the fun parties and happy occasions makes people feel like their lives are inadequate. I have to admit, I've noticed this myself, and wondered how everyone could be so happy all the time. Since fb is an… Continue reading Do blog posts always have to be happy?