life, society


We recently arrived home from a one-week getaway. We aren’t world travelers. Our vacations are not to exotic places. Though that would be nice, but most of the time we prefer getting away to some peace and quiet. It’s noisy where we live. Continue reading “Niceness”

life, thoughts

Photos, Fiction, Friends, Fun, Flowers, and Faith

Last week was the first time I returned to the blogging world in a little over two months, and I posted a deep, heavy subject about control. This week I thought I’d go with a lighter subject to share a little bit about what I’ve been up to, and maybe even a tiny spark of hope.

Continue reading “Photos, Fiction, Friends, Fun, Flowers, and Faith”

life, travel

That Time I Accidentally Walked into Someone’s House

On our recent vacation to South Dakota, I discovered that I’m not as nice a person as I believed.

What happened on your trip that made you see that about yourself, Lori?

I have a few stories, so I’ll tell them in separate posts. I’ll start with a hike and then someone’s house I accidentally walked into.

Continue reading “That Time I Accidentally Walked into Someone’s House”

life, Sports

Out of many, One

I don’t usually post two days in a row, but I feel the need to today.

It’s been a tense year for our country. The vitriol, division and violence portrayed everywhere. It seems as if evil is taking over the entire world … and many believe that evil is “the other side who doesn’t agree.”

But, among the mucky weeds of strife, there was one beacon of light during the first week in November.

Continue reading “Out of many, One”

life, poetry

The Word Above

Our modern society paints humanity with such dark, negativity. Yet, when I posted about my anxiety, I received kindness, thoughtfulness and caring from people who have only met me through a blog. As I pondered the paradox of the two, it brought forth the following poem.

Continue reading “The Word Above”