life, philosophy


We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~ Joseph Campbell

We had a snow storm overnight on Sunday into Monday. Well, it was actually a blizzard. I love when it snows (like last week), but anything over four inches . . . I’m not really down with that.

Ten inches in total this time.

I can’t complain though. I mean, I do live in Northeast Illinois, after all. It’s not like this type of weather is a surprise or anything. Although, the deep snow and cold arrived earlier than usual this year.
Continue reading “Ungrateful”

life, philosophy


Time is something I feel I have very little of these days. I’m in the process of a lot of stuff happening in my life. For the next week, it’ll be difficult to get to anyone’s blogs.

tpclkbldg-589x800-wm2This is also going to be a busy summer. I may be in and out throughout the coming weeks. Maybe I’ll be able to share what’s going on when things settle down.

Hope you enjoy the timely saying about time, below.

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life, thoughts

Update Central

path-stream-bench (575x600) wmI’ve contemplated whether or not to share updates about my husband’s injury. I mean, this blog was not intended to be all about a recovery, but rather, about life’s lessons, studying human behavior, then learning and growing from it all. Why would people want to read about a man’s two broken feet?

The more I contemplated, the more I realized that the path we are on has lots of lessons to share. With each new day in this crisis, we discover something new about ourselves. For example, we should never sell ourselves short. There are so many things I thought I couldn’t do before this crisis, but now I’m doing them. This isn’t just a lesson for me, but I share it for all. There is a spirit of strength inside all of us.

But I digress, because this blog post is the latest update and lesson on our path.

I know I shared this particular theme before, but it’s always a good reminder. Today’s lesson … gratitude. Let me show you why. Below is a ‘before’ photo.

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life, philosophy

Dynamic Gratitude

I’ve been meaning to join in with Kathy in the UP and Harula to do gratitude blogs, but I’ve been hard at work with my WIP. I’ve been just posting something when I get a moment here or there. Not my regular schedule.

Every morning I go to a corner sanctuary in my home for prayer and meditation. I read a brief reading from the Daily Word magazine, and then I go into my mantra. One day last week I found a reading especially dynamic. In fact, the title of that day’s reading was “Dynamic.” It focused on gratitude with a dynamic touch. I’d like to share it here as my gratitude blog. I wish I had time to share some of the specific things I’m grateful for, and the good deeds the others are sharing, but I think this sums it all up dynamically. I hope you think so too.

Continue reading “Dynamic Gratitude”