friendship, life

No More Girls Night Out

Though this post is directed more to women, I’d like to get a man’s input at the end with a question.

I’ve been thinking about the television show “Sex and the City” (SATC). Odd to be thinking about an old-ish show that is no longer airing new episodes. But my thoughts are about something in particular.

And by the way, in my world, the story of those four women ended with the TV series. I don’t count the movies. Continue reading “No More Girls Night Out”

life, thoughts

For Every Action . . .

I’m a little bummed and disappointed this week. Well, I should say first that I’m grateful my family and I are well. Also grateful my husband still has his job, but that may be reevaluated if we don’t get back to work by the end of this month. We’ll cross that bridge if we have to.For now, I’ve been introspecting…wondering how I could’ve done something differently.

Do people understand that what they say or do has consequences? Do they get the concept that for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction?

Continue reading “For Every Action . . .”

family, friendship, life

Give and Receive

This is being written off the cuff, so bear with me.

I don’t have a lot of time for blogging this month, so this will be brief. I’m feeling emotional and confused about humans today. Continue reading “Give and Receive”

blogging, life

Disappearing Bloggers

I’ve noticed lots of people dropping off from blogging lately. Not posting or visiting. During the month of August, my blog has dropped in traffic immensely. Maybe people are out there and active enjoying their last summer month. Maybe they’ve stopped blogging altogether.

Continue reading “Disappearing Bloggers”

life, quotes

Friday Philosophy


Let’s reflect on the relationships in our lives and appreciate their wide variety. From time spent with those we hold dear to a simple smile exchanged in the checkout line, every connection provides an opportunity to shine light into someone’s life – whether for an instant, or a lifetime. Look for opportunities to share joy, create healthy boundaries….and value each person…The possibility for spiritual evolution exists in every relationship…if we simply allow ourselves to see it. ~ DailyWord (paraphrased)


life, writing

My Guest

Last week I talked about meeting new friends through social media. Today, I’m going to share with you how I met one friend in particular. I joined an author’s facebook page that had quite a lot of members. If I’m being honest, I met a lot of snarky people there, except for three really kind authors. I unfollowed the page, but luckily was accepted as friends by those three authors. It always amazes me how the Universe brings us just the right people for our lives, if we recognize them.

Continue reading “My Guest”

blogging, life

Award and Tips on Blogging

bloggeraward-psitsperi_img_7908I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition award by the talented romance author, Angela Christina Archer. Through blogging and reading her fine work, we have become good friends. If you like historical romance, you’ll love her books.

I haven’t joined in on the blogging awards in a while, and I likely won’t do this often. But, I wanted to thank Angela for her online friendship and for this award.

Here is what to do to accept the award:

Continue reading “Award and Tips on Blogging”

life, thoughts

The Adjustment

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We’ve been in our new, old hometown for five months now. For those of you who haven’t read here before, I call it my new, old hometown, because twenty-seven years ago I moved away from where I grew up. Now I’m back.

Continue reading “The Adjustment”

life, travel

Take a Break

I have two close friends, and they both live 1,200 miles away. I have other friends, but none of them have gotten to know the deepest me, like those two. And, they stuck around anyway.

A week ago, one of them came from Chicago to visit me here in Florida. I’m taking a break (<-No pun intended) from the series about my husband’s broken feet. This post is a light-hearted look at some photos from my friend’s visit.

Continue reading “Take a Break”