life, thoughts

Teenage Mortality

The following is a true story. This one is unlike my past memoirs. It doesn’t have the light-hearted tone like my others, but life is a kaleidoscope of experiences and perspectives.

Many years ago, in another century, when I was a teen, I learned about my mortality.

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holidays, life

Holiday Spirits Beyond

Do you ever have moments of melancholy during the holiday season? I’m not talking about despair over a recent loss. I mean at any time during a regular season that’s going well and as planned. Do you ever get just a split second of sadness? This is probably more common for women, but maybe men sometimes get this, too?

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life, thoughts

It Happened at the Beauty Salon

Mara climbed out of her car and blinked up at the powder blue sky. A gorgeous September day. She almost wished she didn’t have to go into the salon to get her hair done.

She shrugged; at least she enjoyed the company of the people there. The old fashioned, independent boutique had their regulars, and everyone knew each other. Even the door clanged with a bell when she entered.

“Hi, Mara.” Her stylist waved as she swept up her station. “I’ll be right with you.”

“No problem.” Mara stood near the checkout counter where a gray-haired woman was paying for services. She looked familiar from behind, and then when she spoke, Mara recognized her cousin. “Hello, Gloria. How are you?”

Gloria pivoted slowly, a scowl on her face, eyes squinted, and then she turned right back around toward the cashier without a word.

“Gloria? What’s the matter?” Deep down Mara knew. She didn’t mean to hurt her cousin’s feelings. She had apologized profusely, and Gloria said she accepted her apology. “You’re not going to talk to me anymore?”

With her back to Mara, Gloria spat, “No, I’m not.” She finished paying the cashier and stamped out the door.

Continue reading “It Happened at the Beauty Salon”

life, philosophy


We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~ Joseph Campbell

We had a snow storm overnight on Sunday into Monday. Well, it was actually a blizzard. I love when it snows (like last week), but anything over four inches . . . I’m not really down with that.

Ten inches in total this time.

I can’t complain though. I mean, I do live in Northeast Illinois, after all. It’s not like this type of weather is a surprise or anything. Although, the deep snow and cold arrived earlier than usual this year.
Continue reading “Ungrateful”

life, thoughts


It was one of those days. You know, when things just don’t seem to be going right. I don’t mean that everything was going wrong, really. Physical things actually went pretty smoothly. It was my interactions with humans that took a turn for the worse that day.

Continue reading “Interactions”

life, quotes

Friday Philosophy


Let’s reflect on the relationships in our lives and appreciate their wide variety. From time spent with those we hold dear to a simple smile exchanged in the checkout line, every connection provides an opportunity to shine light into someone’s life – whether for an instant, or a lifetime. Look for opportunities to share joy, create healthy boundaries….and value each person…The possibility for spiritual evolution exists in every relationship…if we simply allow ourselves to see it. ~ DailyWord (paraphrased)


life, thoughts

Seventy-Seven Years and then Some

Life is so difficult these days, isn’t it? I mean, they had it so much easier years ago.

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humor, writing

Last Day is Today

homeavecover3I’m putting up a quick blog post just to let everyone know not to miss this last day my short story memoir anthology, Home Avenue is free. To get it, click on the book cover or the above link. Anyone who has already downloaded and read it, I’d greatly appreciate a review on Amazon and Goodreads.

Note: The above offer ended November 26th. The below sale ends November 28th. Both books ARE available on Amazon though.

Also, don’t miss the the special introductory offer price of .99 cents for my novel, Whit’s End. This special price lasts through Sunday. Reviews would be great for that one too.

I’m excited to learn what you all think of Ava and Meg’s simple yet complicated family wecover9titlelives. Simple, because these are real people living out every day lives, going to work, raising children, paying bills. Complicated, because their family relationships are all screwed up. Ava seems to be forever trying to fix things, while everyone else continues to live in their comfortable misery.

So, get them on special while you can. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

life, writing

Baking, Thanksgiving and Dysfunction

I hope everyone is enjoying family, friends, feast and some fine goodies. May those who don’t celebrate this American holiday be blessed as well.

I just finished making pumpkin cookies for Thanksgiving treats.

Continue reading “Baking, Thanksgiving and Dysfunction”

life, writing

Whit’s End is Up and Running

wecover9titleI finally did it. I published my novel, Whit’s End.

I’m looking forward to hearing what people think of the decisions Ava and Meg Whitaker make with their very complicated lives in Whit’s End. If you’d like to read a couple of excerpts, here is one about Ava, and here is one about Meg.

If you do get a chance to read both the book, please leave a review. Those are so important (I don’t have to tell you authors).

Link to Whit’s End.