life, thoughts


Lately it’s been bothering me when someone is dismissive of emotions. I've even seen people be dismissive of their own feelings. I know I’ve written about not making decisions from emotions on this blog before, and I stand by that philosophy. But my focus today is not about decision making.  Someone I hadn’t spoken to… Continue reading Validation

life, thoughts

Makeup and Misery

Below is where my freaky mind goes when making random observations. ~ Makeup. I don't leave home without it. Yes, yes, I know, I'm vain. I don't really wear much. I curl my eyelashes (no mascara). I absolutely have to use concealer under the eyes. Then, I do a quick brush of blush for color.… Continue reading Makeup and Misery

life, thoughts

Sticks and Stones

Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves affect us. ~ Stephen R. Covey "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." was something I mentioned in a post I wrote over a year ago. A few people had contacted me afterward,… Continue reading Sticks and Stones

family, life


My head is spinning from the whirlwind that has been my life since the 4th of July. We still have about a dozen boxes to unpack in our new home, plus need to hang pictures and decorate. There will be more updating to the house as well, but at least the major fixes are done… Continue reading Stages