life, quotes

Amplify or Release

Accepting the emotion you are feeling gives the power back to you. To avoid is to amplify, and to acknowledge is to release. ~ @Actual1Murf This is an excellent quote to describe the characters in Through His Disciples' Eyes. They avoid their feelings time and again. But those feelings eventually need to be released and… Continue reading Amplify or Release

life, thoughts

The Observer

Dreams. Do you remember yours? Sometimes I remember entire dreams with vivid recall, but those types are few. Then there are the times I know I had a dream but can't remember it, or, I can only remember bits and pieces. I've been noticing the different ways dreams take shape.Many dreams don't make sense. They… Continue reading The Observer

life, thoughts

Feelings. Nothing More than Feelings.

Question: Who is responsible for your feelings? Me? You? Society? I'd seriously like an answer to the question, but now I have some that are rhetorical. If your next-door neighbor hated you and called you all kinds of names, and you did nothing to them to warrant such behavior, would that hurt your feelings? What… Continue reading Feelings. Nothing More than Feelings.

life, thoughts

When I Was 17, It Was A Very Good Year

If you're old enough, you may remember the Frank Sinatra song, It Was A Very Good Year. I only know it because my dad was a huge Sinatra fan. He used to play his music in the car on 8-track all the time. I remember this was one of the few crooner songs I didn't… Continue reading When I Was 17, It Was A Very Good Year

life, thoughts

A World of Rejects?

We hear lots of recklessly assigned labels in our society these days. You know, homophobe, misogynist, xenophobe, racist, fascist, etc. These words are used to say that someone hates a particular group of people. So, what kind of a "ist" or phobe is someone who hates ALL people? Lately, I've been hearing more people say… Continue reading A World of Rejects?

life, philosophy

Curiosity, Challenge and Acceptance

I really don't know how to lie. It comes naturally for me to speak my truth, and yes, sometimes it gets me in trouble. On another note, I've admitted numerous times on my blog, I have trouble letting go of what I don't have control over. Stick with me, I plan to tie these two… Continue reading Curiosity, Challenge and Acceptance

life, thoughts

Belief Bias Effect

People get confused when they hear something they agree with from someone they dislike. Likewise, people are often blind to bad ideas when they come from someone they admire. ~ Mike Rowe Get ready, we're going deep into the human psyche today. 1) I watched a tragedy unfold on live television, but I denied it was… Continue reading Belief Bias Effect

life, thoughts

Coping with an Injury

I'm slowly returning from a blogging hiatus after my husband's accident. We're still dealing with things, but learning to manage it a bit better. I can't say for sure, but I hope to post a blog once a week now, plus another for the wisdom quotes I share. I would also like to read more… Continue reading Coping with an Injury

life, philosophy, thoughts

Love Thyself

Lately, I've been thinking about self-love, and wondering how many people actually love themselves. I recently realized I don't always love myself, and it's what brought on this blog. Perhaps it will help me to think this "out loud" on my blog and maybe get others thinking too. I know for sure that I respect… Continue reading Love Thyself


Guilt Part 2

In my first blog on this topic I talked about two kinds of guilt. 1) Having to say "no" to someone and disappoint them. 2) The "if only" guilt, thinking we could've done something different to change an outcome. There is such complexity to the issue that I'll never touch on everything. It's still on… Continue reading Guilt Part 2