life, Spirituality

Sweet Spot

So, what do you think of when you hear the words “sweet spot?”

Some minds might go straight to the gutter … a fun gutter (giggle).

Personally, my mind takes me directly to a place to get chocolate.

chocolates (800x443)wmThis post is about neither, but it is about a sweet spot. And, I need to make this brief, because time is of the essence in my life these days.

We are home now, after getting away for a few days before a lot of difficult projects ahead.

We went where it was tranquil.

gallake2 (800x436)wmI needed to find my sweet spot. The place where I center in Spirit … where I connect with All that is Holy … where I’m at peace.

This is where I found it.

galfalls (800x442)wmI touched that sweet spot for a few glorious moments. Hopefully, remembering those moments will sustain me throughout the coming weeks.

galfalls2 (800x448)wmI do apologize if I don’t get to your blogs, but I will once things settle down.

In the mean time, I hope you’ll come back to honor someone with me on Thursday.

May you find your sweet spot of peace.

9 thoughts on “Sweet Spot”

  1. I hope you find your sweet spot and you can linger there for as long as you need.

    By the way, I thought of that place on a tennis racquet where it’s the perfect spot to hit the ball so your opponent can’t possibly return it! I used to play a bit of tennis and hardly ever found that sweet spot. But when I did, oh, was it ever sweet! 🙂

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    1. Oh yes, I think I’ve heard of that sweet spot in tennis, too. Even though I know nothing about tennis. 😛 Thanks for sharing your sweet spot, Lorna.

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  2. Although chocolate is, in my view, indeed divine sustenance, Lori, my sweet spot is that pool of Peace within that looks a lot like your pictures. Thanks for sharing – both the chocolate and the pool, lol! xoM

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