
I like to think deep and have philosophical discussions. I tend to do a lot of critical thinking. My writing reflects those things. 

I’m have perpetual curiosity. Always asking questions about different aspects of life. What causes relationships to sour or thrive? How do our environments, our educations, and our upbringings effect our behaviors and the way we interact. Adversity touches all of us at some point. How do we deal with it and what gives us hope?

My blog is a mixture of philosophy and daily life happenings. These topics drive me to write stories with deep, rich characters in my two fiction books Through His Disciples’ Eyes and Whit’s End. My memoir, Home Avenue has four easy-read short stories with humor and light-hearted lessons learned.

You can read more details about these books on my Memoirs and Fiction page.

I wrote a short story about my first dog in the book anthology Dogs and the Women Who Love Them. It’s about a beautiful life lesson I learned from my dog.

I’ve also had a couple of short stories published in the magazine, Angels on Earth.

If you’d like to check out my writing style, there are blog links to my free-reads at the bottom of my Memoirs and Fiction page. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my work, and I look forward to your comments.

99 thoughts on “About”

  1. HI Lori, I appreciate you sharing your published book titles on this page. It makes it easy for me to track them down and read them. What I learned is that everyone has a story to tell. The glamorous woman, the high profile athlete, the librarian, the cool kids down the block, even the neighborhood bully. You, I am happy to read, actually wrote your story down. That rocks! I want to be like you when I grow up. Oh… wait… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi MargeKatherine, Thank you for being interested in my books. My memoir, Home Avenue, is a lighthearted look at my life growing up with a little humor. My novel, Whit’s End, is more intense. It’s a fictional family saga that shows relationship issues between all different family members. I got ideas for that story from my husband’s side of the family. 😉

      It was interesting to learn that you’ve lived away from family. It’s wonderful that you made friends where you live. Not having children may have isolated us a bit when we were young, because we never made friends where we moved to. My friends back home remained, and I’m so grateful to be back among them and my family after so many years away. Still, I don’t regret moving, I just wish we could’ve moved back a little sooner. Circumstances kept us from doing so.

      Thank you again for your interest in my books. I hope you enjoy them.


  2. Your October 23 poem is very poignant. My mother had a stillborn child the year before I was born. I’m sure she wonders what might have been. As someone who is unable to bear children, I also wonder what my children might have been like, had I been able to have them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi L. While I did have a miscarriage and think about how old that child would be today (25 at Thanksgiving), I used to always envision what my kids would be like when we were trying without success. So, I understand and find it natural that you wonder as well.

      I’ll bet most people, even parents before they became parents, have an imaginary child they envision in their minds. Those of us who didn’t become parents, though fulfilled in our lives, will have times where we wonder . . .

      Thank you for the lovely comment and for sharing your experience.


  3. Thanks for your lovely poem of the 23rd October 2018, Lori. I sometimes muse on what could have been, especially now that some of my peers’ kids are nearly adults. That would have been the best part of having children, when they become adults. I think everyone who never had kids must have ‘ghost children’ that they think about now and again, even the resolutely childfree might do it in an abstract and curious way. I don’t discuss my status much any more as I feel like I’m ‘over’ having The Fear about being the only non-parent in the family but I think that it comes and goes in waves, and I never take it for granted that it’s gone forever and won’t come back. Who knows what the next decade holds, we change so much all the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for coming over to read and taking the time to comment on the About Page. I don’t have these emotions happen often. In fact, I’ve been doing this blog for six years (next month), and only posted about it four times. Once in a while something will hit me. Writing about it helps it pass, where in the deep grieving days, nothing seemed to help except for a vacation.

      I’ll bet everyone, even parents before they became parents, have an imaginary child they envision in their minds. Those of us who didn’t become parents, though fulfilled in our lives, will have times where we wonder . . .


  4. Hi, Lori! The interview is written and scheduled to come out tomorrow. I’ll send you the live link tomorrow. If you email today (Sunday) with details about a release date, I can include it in the post. Right now, I have the picture of the book, it’s blurb and a general statement to go to your blog (with a link) for updates about a release date.

    Hope you like it and sorry this was so long in coming!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lorna. I saw the review you wrote for the memoir. It’s a beautiful review. Thank you for reading, reviewing and interviewing. So kind of you. I’ll send you an email in a few.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello,

    I saw your ebook on Kindle scout. From the blurb it looks like a high quality ebook. If you are looking for some real promotion and exposure for your book, I can help. I will give your campaign an extra boost through multiple promotional campaigns. Email me at pluxedo at gmail.com if you are interested.


  6. We’ve been married since 1978, so I relate there, then there’s the thing of you being Italian-American…and well…seems like I’ll be following you soon, but have a few months of disruption in my routine before I can re-focus on blog-stuff on a regular basis.
    Take care and happy writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand, Laura. My heart goes out to you. My husband just lost both of his parents within the last year (October 2015 & July 2016). Take care of yourself. I look forward to blogging with you when you can re-focus. May you find comfort in the coming months.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. You’ve probably noticed my footprints around your place. It seems we have something in common. We too have been down The Road Less Travelled but took a different turn at the crossroads.Before that though, I had a very powerful moment of awareness that should I choose to be childfree I would be OK. I very knowingly closed that door. My husband was terrified of fatherhood and struggled with it, but our of love and support for me followed in my footsteps. That first moment of seeing our son ended his fear. He fell head over heels in love then. Adoption was right for us. Our two boys are adults now, still at home with us, along with the obligatory extras (partners, not kids. Yet…..) I’m glad I found you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Lori,
    I couldn’t find a contact email, so I hope you see this message. In regards to contests, Writer’s Digest has a publication they put out each year called, “Writer’s Market.” It contains contests, publishing houses accepting submissions, etc. The Fund for Writer’s website also announces various contests. Also, if your book fits to a certain publishing house, check out their website for contests they might offer. If I come across any others pertaining to women’s fiction, I’ll pass them along. Good luck! xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Jill. Thanks for the info. I haven’t bought a Writer’s Market in some time. I did enter some contests for short stories several years ago, but I had found those online. I wasn’t aware of contests for novels (other than Amazon’s once a year contest) until you shared about your win. I appreciate you taking the time to come over and sharing some tips.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Did not see place to comment your anxiety post. I have suffered depression chronic/severe, bi polar, anxiety since childhood. Meds helps but most importantly we can direct and manage our thinking. Do not put things off. Face the issues and move to resolve them and get closure. This reduces lingering stress. I do this and know I have done the best I can, done the footwork, but the results are out of my control. Knowing this I find increased serenity.

    Another thing is to list worst possible scenarios. Have a plan for each. Of course dwelling in the “what if’s” can make you more crazy but sensible consideration of alternatives is just wise. Often we stress ourselves out over results that will never happen anyway.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Carl. I don’t know why the comment box didn’t show up when the blog posted, but I’m glad you posted here. I fixed it so that the box showed up on the post.

      I appreciate your advice on this. I have been dealing with anxiety on and off all my life. I’ve been able to eventually calm my bouts with my spiritual faith, but it takes a long time, and it’s taking longer and longer lately. Thanks again, and I wish you the best.


  10. Hi Lori! I wanted to let you know a friend and I started a group for writers and readers. I wanted to personally invite you to join to promote your blog and writing. It deserves to be read! The wordpress page is http://writeblogconnect.wordpress.com/ which you can follow. But, if you are on Facebook, our group page is https://www.facebook.com/groups/336086969847506/ and there you can link your blog posts to the wall so other people can read it! Happy writing!!


    1. Hi Angela! This is a great idea. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I’m on my way out now for an anniversary dinner, but I will check it out as soon as I can. Thank you again.


  11. Feels good visiting your blog. As a dog-lover myself I’d love to read your book “Dogs and the Women Who Love Them” in the near future. ‘This too shall pass’ is my favorite quote whic gives me strength when the times become tough.

    Many good wishes for your writings and for plenty of joy and happiness.

    Cheers 🙂


    1. Thank you for checking out my blog. The book “Dogs and the Women Who Love Them” was arranged by the authors Linda and Allen Anderson. There are lots of inspirational short stories in the book, and I am one among many authors in it. I do think you’ll enjoy it. The story I wrote in the book is titled “A Familiar Friend turns Ordinary into Extraordinary.” Thank you for the good wishes, and may you be blessed as well.


      1. Hi Lori–thanks for sharing your chicken soup recipe (comments were closed there), now I have something new to try–yippee!!! Also, thanks for the link to the Guideposts “angels” magazine. And last but not least, thanks for visiting at CV–God bless you BIG–love, Caddo


    1. Oh my, thank you so much EllaDee. You are so kind to me. I accept the invitation, but at this time I’m short on time to participate. Thank you again, for thinking of me and your ever thoughtful comments.


      1. Hi Lori, I just finished “Rome, Home, and Meatballs”. I’m have tears of laughter in my eyes from the “frasini” episode.. . I almost had to do a Grandma & run to the bathroom, and I’m still humming “I Think I Love You” 🙂 EllaDee


        1. Oh, EllaDee, I’m so happy you got a good laugh and enjoyed the stories. Thank you so much for letting me know. If you’re so inclined, and/or have a moment, I’d love a short review on amazon from you. I really did enjoy sharing those times in the story, and the meaning behind them all for me. My grandma, she was the best. No one could be in her presence without smiling. She just had a way of making everyone happy. Thanks again kind lady.


    1. Hey Viveka, Thank you for this kind nomination. I’m having a problem with the link though. I can’t get to your blog with the award. I can’t find it on your home page either. How can I get there?


    2. Never mind. I just found a way to get to your award nominations page. Got it covered. Thanks again. And hey, What a nice compliment that I’m a little bit like you. 😉


  12. Lori – I knew I like you from the moment you “liked” my blog. You know why? You are a dog lover too! We had a mutt, Rosie, who was mostly Australian Shepard. I miss her and your photos made my heart ache for her.


    1. I’m so sorry about your Rosie. My dog, Piezon, was my soul mate. Thank you for coming over to see me. I found you by reading your good writing advice on Corey’s blog.


  13. Lori, I’m glad you I could brighten your day with my lilacs, you brightened my day when I read your Gravitar. It says you enjoy cooking,dogs. But I didn’t notice the comma. Thank goodness for punctuation. 🙂 Carol


        1. Hee, hee, I’m giggling as I type this out. Yes, I do like sarcasm and can laugh at myself too … most of the time. Except, just don’t tell me my butt looks big in these jeans. Heh. 😉 Glad you felt you could say what came to your mind.


  14. I am also an animal lovers. I have a dog, three cats and two budgies. I broke the mold with the dog as before I had cocker spaniels.Two of my cats are orange and white, taking after Garfield. I am working on a historical, chapter book that has an orange and white cat as one of the characters.


  15. Lori I enjoy your posts and would therefore like to nominate you for the “Sunshine Award”. If you want to accept, just follow these simply steps:

    – include the image on your blog
    – answer some questions about yourself (see my blog post at: http://mirjamfels.com/2012/02/28/sunshine-award/)
    – nominate another 10-12 bloggers
    – link to the one who nominated you

    Greetings and thank you for reading my message,


  16. So far so good, been enoying those posts of yours! Keep them up! Congrats on your published stories, I have none yet, so thats shows how great you are! All the best for the upcoming first fiction novel! The very first will always be the one showcasing our best and continuous best soon! Will follow and wait for new posts soon! – Nizamhappieboyz


    1. Hello there happie boy. 🙂 I can feel your positive energy right through the computer screen. Thank you so much for reading my blog posts, and for such encouraging words. Wish I had your confidence when I was younger. You keep up the good work.


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