life, thoughts

Why I’m a Freak, Reason #5

wmnstat (509x800) wmWhen I first started blogging, I revealed something about me that just doesn’t fit into our society today. I titled it, I’m a Freak. As it turned out, I have a lot of blog material on this topic.

I’ve never really cared for Bucket Lists. It bothered me, because what if I couldn’t get to everything on it? Also, so many people had grand Bucket List adventures, but me … not really into adventure.

So, I’m a freak.

I don’t really want to fly to Fiji or Tahiti. I don’t care about climbing the Himalayas. I have no desire to see the The Great Wall of China.

I have traveled in the past and enjoyed most of those trips, but I was young when I took those adventures. At this age, any kind of effort on my part makes me breathe heavy just thinking about it. All that arranging, packing, airport melee, finding ways to get around once arriving, and sleeping in strange places … it’s just not for me.

I do have a list, but it’s more like a birthday or Christmas gift-list if you will. I was going to share the freaky things on my gift list in this post, but then something exciting happened. My husband, Gary, surprised me with one of the things on my list, and it’s not even my birthday! So, now I’m posting about his surprise.chicars (514x800) wm

He told me we were going somewhere but wouldn’t tell me our destination. We headed east on one of the many highways in the Chicagoland area. When we hit stand-still traffic, I said, “I hope we aren’t headed downtown, because this will take forever.”

Oh yes, we were headed downtown, right during Lallapalooza. He assured me, we weren’t going to that weekend concert in the overbearing heat. But, I complained that we’d be stuck in traffic for hours. Traveling was such a bother. Sigh.

I know what you’re thinking. Can’t you just shut up and go with it, Lori? Your husband is trying to surprise you.

You may want to go back and check out my control freak post. That should answer the above question.

With tight shoulder blades and gritting teeth, I actually did shut up!

Stuck in crawling city traffic. No place to park. I had to use the bathroom. Was his surprise really worth this trouble?

Yes it was.

In the city, I felt like one tiny little ant in an ant farm of millions.

antbean (800x520) wm

But, I never would’ve guessed that my husband was taking me to downtown Chicago to go to a butterfly sanctuary! It was on my list.mirrorbfly (595x367) wm

When we stepped into the tropical atmosphere, it felt like crossing over into heaven. A large, glowing blue-color fluttered right in front of us.

It was what I dreamed it would be … soft, blinking colors surrounding me. The humidity in there reminded me of the place I just ran away from, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to leave. Those beautifully transformed insects welcomed me with open wings.

release (800x427) wmLook closely and you’ll see a butterfly release. Be free.

Keep scrolling to see more of my simple little adventure.

ricepaperfly (800x450) wm

2bluflies (800x405) wm

rainbofly (800x419) wm

There you have it, reason #5 for why I’m a freak … I don’t want a Bucket List, not really into adventure, but have a gift-list with oddball things.

Here is where you can find Why I’m a Freak, Reason #6.

Do you have a Bucket List? Do you have a gift list? If so, is there anything really weird on your list that you’d care to share?

29 thoughts on “Why I’m a Freak, Reason #5”

  1. What a great surprise from your husband! So thoughtful!

    And even though I know you were really grateful to him, I can relate to your frustrations with the travel and traffic. I’m glad it was all worth it in the end.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi JM. I just posted a blog today about how rare it is for my husband to be able to surprise me after 30 years. I’m very fortunate. He is much happier in his new stress-free job, and it has freed him to do things like this. And yes, I use having a ‘list’ loosely too. Good to see you. Hope all is well.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great adventure! I love butterfly exhibits where they come and land on you. I went to one in AZ and NY. The AZ one was way better–more space and more butterflies. So fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How fun that you went twice. This exhibit said they didn’t have as many different butterflies as they would’ve liked this year, but it was still enough for us to enjoy them. I want to find another one and go there when we can. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment, Kourtney. I know how busy you are with promotion right now. Keep up the good work.


  3. I used to have a list, but now I’d rather let life happen (it does anyway, interrupting any plans a you know too well!). I went to a butterfly centre at the Natural History museum in NYC and a blue morpho landed on my hand and wouldn’t leave – one of my most wonderful experiences.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. For sure, Andrea, life does seem to have other plans for us than the ones we make.

      How cool that the blue morpho landed on you and wouldn’t leave. They wouldn’t land at all for us. When I was just about going to give up, I caught those two by the lily pad pond.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. How beautiful! My mom loved butterflies so I will definitely have to track down a butterfly sanctuary to visit. I agree on the hassles of travel … I wish I had traveled more when I was younger, but then I would not have appreciated it as much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Finally, someone who sees my point about traveling. Oh yes, you’ll have to find a butterfly sanctuary. I know your mom will be going with you when you do. Good to “see” you Joy. Hope you are doing well.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love that we are a whole world of freaks, each of us the same but different fitting together to make a perfect imperfect whole.
    What a wonderful non-birthday surprise. You’ve reminded me that I’ve wanted to visit the butterfly house near where our house in the country is. Not a bucket list item though! Just a be-nice-to-do wish-list.
    My favourite item on my be-nice-to-do-done list was putting my hand into a dinosaur footprint… the logistics of it just came down to pure luck. My other favourite done item was something I’d never even considered possible so it wouldn’t have made it onto a wish-list… being friends with a swan 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love this … “we are a whole world of freaks, each of us the same but different fitting together to make a perfect imperfect whole.”

      So cool that you’ve got “freak” things on your wish list, too. Those things sound fantastic … putting your hand into a dinosaur footprint and being friends with a swan. Thank you for sharing with us, EllaDee. I enjoyed reading it.


  6. What a beautiful surprise and what a lovely way to spend the day together.

    I don’t have a bucket list, though sometimes I’ll use the expression. And unlike you, I do love to travel, but it’s not like I want to see everything there is to see in the world. I like to go to places I feel comfortable in. Traveling to a dangerous location doesn’t tempt me, no matter how spectacular the sights.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So, no trips to Darfur in your future, huh. 😉

      I used to enjoy traveling. I’ve grown lazy and into a wuss. Don’t like to fly (claustrophobia).

      I enjoyed reading about your UK adventure. I’ll live through you and travel bloggers for my travel.


  7. I don’t have a list either, because I figure I might miss something really interesting and exciting that might come along if I am so focused on checking everything off on my “list”.
    What a brilliant surprise – going to the Butterfly Sanctuary. The photos are amazing!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi SD. The sanctuary was great. But, as you can tell, I was feeling much like you shared while sitting in traffic. But, in the end, I think both you and I had some wonderful experiences. 🙂

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