life, travel

Take a Break

I have two close friends, and they both live 1,200 miles away. I have other friends, but none of them have gotten to know the deepest me, like those two. And, they stuck around anyway.

A week ago, one of them came from Chicago to visit me here in Florida. I’m taking a break (<-No pun intended) from the series about my husband’s broken feet. This post is a light-hearted look at some photos from my friend’s visit.

Do you remember the historic theater I blogged about at Christmas time?

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Check out the hole in the stage on the left. It’s where the organ comes up for silent movies.

I had always wanted to go on a tour of the place, so my friend and I went together. The theater opened in 1926, and all of the furniture is original (except for the theater seats which were replaced in the ’70’s).

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Above is the lobby to the upstairs balcony. Check out the lighting, the furniture and the ceiling.

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Above is against the wall in the upstairs lobby.

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Above is the lounge in the upstairs ladies room.

There was a brief mention of ghostly inhabitants, but our tour guide was a skeptic. I would’ve loved to learn more about them. Makes for great writing material.

They described how the organ (below) worked for the silent movies. It has large pipes behind the walls, and they work in stereo. The instrument also has sound effects for particular parts of the movies such as doorbells and train whistles, etc.

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That same day, in the evening, we took the below photo of us two princesses. Behind us is a our palace with a moat. 😉

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In case I never mentioned my height before, I’m the short princess.

They had a festival downtown called Night of Lights. It was actually kind of a dance party with music in the park, and what a pleasant evening.

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The next day we went to a tiki bar restaurant.


I have mentioned before that January, February and March are the only 3 things I like about living in Florida. Well, it was February, and the weather was fabulous!

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Not more than 24 hours after the taking of the above reflection photograph, a boat flew out of that body of water behind us and crashed through the building into that window.

Not only did we have a wonderful visit, but we were fortunate not to be hit by a boat!

sunset grill crash

Come back Wednesday for the continuation of the Tale about Feet.


20 thoughts on “Take a Break”

  1. What a fun visit! It’s hard when your good friends are so far away, but the fact that they remain good friends is a testament to the depth of your friendships.

    I would just love to tour that theater. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Terri. They let you go just about anywhere you want inside that theater. You can even sit on that old furniture. I was afraid to touch for fear it might fall apart. But, I touched it anyway. Thanks for coming over to check it out.


  2. The best friends are those that even if you haven’t seen each other in a while, you can pick up right where you left off before. And I’m glad you weren’t at the restaurant for that close encounter with the boat!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi JM. I’ve known this friend for 32 years! Yikes! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. Hope you and your hubby are doing okay.


  3. A lovely post, and I could relate to it, as we took a trip last weekend and had dinner with 2 girl friends of mine from school, and their husbands. What we did, ate, where we went was great but it was the easy time together that was best. You did well taking photos… I didn’t take any!
    Wow, the near boat experience was quite freaky.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi EllaDee. Yes, I was shocked when I heard about that boat accident the next day. So glad you got an opportunity to visit with friends. It’s the best feeling. Thanks for checking out my photos.


    1. Hi Carrie. I love the photo I took of the upstairs theater lobby. It looks like a spooky time capsule from 1926. I was shocked when I heard the next morning about that boat accident. Thanks for checking out the photos.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Like you, all of my close friends live out of town. It’s so nice when they come for a visit. It looks like you showed your friend a good time, Lori. How nice that she was able to escape the Chicago winter and come to sunny Florida. What a great photo of the two of you…you are too cute! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was great to spend time with her. I’m from Chicago, and everyone I know lives there. It’s crazy that people rarely visit me from there in the winter. I don’t get it, but I’m so glad Teresa has been able to come a few times. Thanks for the nice comment, Miss Jill.

      Liked by 1 person

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