life, philosophy

Dynamic Gratitude

I’ve been meaning to join in with Kathy in the UP and Harula to do gratitude blogs, but I’ve been hard at work with my WIP. I’ve been just posting something when I get a moment here or there. Not my regular schedule.

Every morning I go to a corner sanctuary in my home for prayer and meditation. I read a brief reading from the Daily Word magazine, and then I go into my mantra. One day last week I found a reading especially dynamic. In fact, the title of that day’s reading was “Dynamic.” It focused on gratitude with a dynamic touch. I’d like to share it here as my gratitude blog. I wish I had time to share some of the specific things I’m grateful for, and the good deeds the others are sharing, but I think this sums it all up dynamically. I hope you think so too.

smell roses wmA Reading from the Daily Word ~

I may take for granted that I will rise in the morning and function throughout the day, go to work or to school, and accomplish the tasks before me. However, I know in every endeavor, I am powered by divine life.

I am blessed with the ability  to read or hear these words and understand their meanings. I am blessed with the capacity to think, plan visualize, share, and comprehend ideas. How wonderful my mind is!

I am blessed with a body that circulates energy and nutrition without conscious direction. Designed for renewal, healing, and maintaining my natural state of wholeness, I am wondrously made!

I am grateful for my vibrant body and active mind. I am a dynamic being, full of life!

This sort of reminds me of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.

23 thoughts on “Dynamic Gratitude”

    1. Hi Cathie, I need to train my brain every day to start out positive, otherwise, well…I tend to not be. I’m very grateful the Daily Word helps me do that each morning. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Blessings to you.


  1. What a lovely gratitude blog, Lori. Thank you for the link. I can remember reading the Daily Word at different times in my life. Such an inspirational little book. Simple things like a body that is (mostly) working for us should be an occasion for profound gratitude!


    1. Heya Kathy, Yep, my body may be aching, and I may have needed to get glasses for the first time in my life, but I’m grateful to still function fully every day. BTW, on my Wednesday Wisdom quote about following my heart even when I think it’s hopeless … that’s why we need to keep going, because we may think it is, but that doesn’t mean it is. Oh, and I subscribe to the Daily Word. I can easily fall into negative thinking, and if I don’t start my morning off with one of those readings, oops, down I go. Heh. It takes a lot of work for this growing-older woman to train her thoughts. Thanks for coming by and commenting. It’s always good to hear from you.


  2. Dynamic gratitude sounds very cool. When we stop and think about all the things that go right in a day with our bodies–it’s pretty magical.


  3. I so agree. There’s the option of putting pen to paper in a gratitude list or you can live it, like skipping down the footpath for sheer joy or simply stopping to smell a flower, plus a whole lot of other good stuff in between 🙂


    1. Good point, EllaDee. Sometimes I have to remind myself to be grateful for even things like my 5 senses and just the ability to even think through things. Always good to see you here. Thank for the wonderful comment.


  4. It’s so easy to get stuck in our ways and forget to be grateful. Our minds and our bodies are pretty amazing things. Wonderful reminder to not take them for granted.


    1. I know that sometimes I forget that I should be grateful even for my five senses. Not everyone has them. That’s why I especially loved this passage. Thanks for reading it, Carrie. I’m glad you liked it.


  5. Nice devotional, and great lyrics too! I have a quiet time in the mornings also. I pray, read the Bible, and meditate on what I’ve read. I love Psalm 46:10 where He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” I feel the quiet time is important in order for me to maintain balance and focus in my life.


  6. Love the photo …. so delicate and full of joy. Beautiful post, Lori
    There is a Spanish song, “Gracias A La Vida”, that has been translated to Swedish “I want to thank life” – the Swedish version was first sang at on our Prime Minster’s Funeral in 1986. He was murdered on his way home from the cinema together with his wife. I just think the lyrics says everything that I’m thankful for.
    “I want to thank life
    As given me so much
    It gave me two eyes
    And when I open them
    I can clearly make out the black from the white
    And high above the heavens mantle sprinkled with stars
    In the crowd of people, I see those i love”


        1. Thank you for sharing that link, Viveka. I read the lyrics and listened. You’re right, fantastic song. Very soul-moving. And, it says just what my post says, but in song. Lovely.


          1. Lori, yes I haven’t listen to the song for years … at least not the last 10 years and your post brought it back to me.
            Thank you so much.


  7. This sums up all the things I am grateful for, so thank you Lori for publishing. I found sharing the personal things in life was hard and I felt naked before the world. I shall try again soon.


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