life, philosophy

Wednesday Wisdom

(For use of any photos, please attribute to Lori and this website)

The outer world … has actually no character whatsoever of its own, either good or bad. It has only the character that we give to it by our own thinking … the whole of our life’s experience is but the outer expression of inner thought. ~ Emmet Fox

17 thoughts on “Wednesday Wisdom”

  1. I am resonating with your quote and your photo. Loving butterflies and the innocence and wisdom that they impart. Hope you have had a very good Labor Day weekend, Lori. Hope you’re not too hot.


    1. Staying cool in my “submarine” (a/c) room for now. I always set a plan to head north some time in September so I have nicer weather to look forward to. Glad you enjoyed the butterfly and that the quote resonated with you, Kathy. Hope you’ve had a nice Labor Day weekend.


  2. Beautiful photo – a master piece – I’m the same … love my old film eating camera. Digital not the same at all .. at least not the little one I have. Sorry, but I can not really grip the quote … neither I’m tired or I don’t read it right. Enjoy your photo very much.


    1. Thanks, Pete. I resorted to scanning some old film photos. I’m having a more difficult time with digital. This butterfly was originally in the center of the photo, but the left side had a darker setting behind it, so I just cut it out. Glad you liked it.


    1. Yes, and this photo IS old. I took it back in the day of film and scanned it for the blog. I’m no photographer, but I can’t seem to figure out digital quite as well as l did film. Sigh. Thanks so much for stopping by and checking it out.


        1. I would love it, thank you. I wish I could share a specific photo and ask what I did wrong. For now, I just have trouble with colors washing out. Whether I put the camera on automatic or I adjust manually for lighting, it washes out color. I use a Canon Rebel EOS XT.


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