life, quotes

Weekend Wisdom

00ouoxuI may not be able to change someone. I may not be able to even change my circumstance, but I can change myself. How I respond, who I am being. And that is where all of the real power resides … ~ Kamal Ravikant

12 thoughts on “Weekend Wisdom”

  1. Happy weekend, Lori. Wonder why we sometimes get the idea we can change another person? I have tried to do this at times, but it never seems to work…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I was a big one on changing other people at one time. Thankfully, I realized it was me that needed the work! Hope you are having a nice Father’s Day, Miss Kathy.


    1. Thank you. I just kept clicking and adjusting until I got what I wanted, but now I can’t remember what settings I chose. ๐Ÿ˜›


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