life, philosophy

Weekend Wisdom

Today I’m sharing another reading from the magazine DailyWord. It’s a powerful and relevant affirmation.

anneliflowerThis lovely photo is by Ms. Anneli Purchase of

In winter, an abundance of potential lies beneath the ground. If we were to unearth the seeds and bulbs that have been planted, we would sabotage the emergence of grass and flowers in the spring. So we wait and allow them to be nourished by an unseen source of abundance.

Similarly, we have within us untapped potential. As we patiently nourish it with prayer, [affirmations] preparation, faith and commitment, new growth will emerge in ways we never imagined.

Regardless of our ages, we can always grow in maturity and understanding to live life more fully. As awareness … expands,  so do the inner qualities of Spirit that enhance our every experience.

A reading from DailyWord, Dec. 21, 2013

9 thoughts on “Weekend Wisdom”

  1. I remember reading the Daily Word in past years. So much wisdom to tap within the reflections. Honoring both our potential; the realization that we’re more than we even imagine ourselves to be right now.


    1. When I read this affirmation, I immediately thought of that flower with snow you put up. I just loved it. Thank you for allowing me to use it.


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