
Splendid Sunny Summer

Hello blogging world. It’s been so long since I posted that It almost feels like my first time. I know other bloggers who have gone longer than me and then returned, but six weeks is quite a while for me to go between posts.

This summer of 2019 has been active and sunny. We haven’t had a lot of spare moments, but when we did, we spent them in those chairs you see above. Our new patio has put a kink in me getting any exercise. Here’s what we’ve been doing:

Taking advantage of this abundantly sunny summer with outdoor activity. We had our second annual boating-with-friends day.

We went to another outdoor concert, which was also a barbeque rib fest.

Been working on my flower garden.

Can’t forget all of these veggies from my husband’s garden. There is always something that needs to be cooked before it spoils. How many different kinds do you see in the picture? Hint: one of the vegetables grew two different ways.

For many years, I’ve dreamed of having a big outdoor party with family and friends, but never lived close enough to do it. Now I do. Invitations went out for a summer blowout patio party in September. I’m very excited to do this on our new patio. I just hope it all goes well. Fingers crossed.

Have I mentioned lately how grateful I am to be living back home? Some people find their bliss by traveling around the world to exotic places. I’m finally where I want to be and find my bliss right where I am.

In the meantime, I’ve been working on The True Story of Joshua Cane. Well, it’s not-so true, but that’s the working title of my fiction work-in-progress about a modern day prophet. This is one area where I’m not happy with myself. I should be working more often on this project.

I hope all of you are having a nice summer. I’m reading other bloggers posts when I can and will post when I get time.

So, can you name all the veggies in that photo above?

From my flower garden



26 thoughts on “Splendid Sunny Summer”

  1. Sounds like you had/are having a wonderful summer, Lori. When it’s warm, it’s always more inviting to go outdoors and enjoy what’s out there. I agree with you and find bliss right at home. While I enjoy travelling, there is no place like home and nothing like sleeping in your own bed 😀 Hope the outdoor party went well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mabel. The party did go well and I think all had a nice time. I think you are in winter where you are? I hope you’re having a nice season, whichever one you’re in. 😊


  2. I remember your posts about wanting to get back ‘home,’ and now that you are, you sound SO happy and, really, on a daily vacation. The veggies are gorgeous. My guy used to grow eggplants – lots of them – and I sauted so many eggplants and made so many eggplant parmesan casseroles that I finally said STOP! We’re in a smaller place now, so just tomatoes and basil. (Oh, and I found out I’m allergic to ….eggplants!) 🙂 Happy September party. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Pam. Well, I guess no more eggplant for you. Sounds like you got your fill of it thought. I know what you mean about too much of a veggie. We have what seems like pallets of chard and tomatoes. We’ve been giving it away, and I’ll have baskets of it out for a giveaway at our party.

      Well, I’m off to make eggplant parmesan. 😉 Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome back, Lori. Beautiful patio! Glad you’ve been enjoying the summer!
    I accidentally saw the answers to your question so I won’t pretend that I’m answering with my own knowledge.😄

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    1. Hi Abbi. Yep, you got ’em right. These are all my favorite veggies. When I lived in Florida, Swish chard could not be found in the stores. Now that I’m back in Chicago, we can find it here, but it’s so satisfying to grow our own. Oh, and there were two kinds of aubergines. Regular and baby. A while back, I posted an eggplant marinade I made with those cute little ones if you’re interested.

      Hope you and little and big O. are continuing to enjoy the rest of what’s left of this summer.


  4. What a delightful and fulfilling summertime you’ve had, Lori. Perfect. Added to that the anticipation of a huge Patio Party filled with food, family and fun…to end the season in September.
    Bliss. Yes, I am envious, but in a good way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Laura. The weather has been really great this summer, too. Can’t complain. I hope you are enjoying your summer as well. Make the best of the rest. Blessings to you.


  5. Like you, I love where I am. Family is close enough and the back yard rivals anyplace I could afford to go. My goal is to always have my home so comfortable that I want to spend time there with a few jaunts away. Welcome back and your veggies/flowers look wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nothing like vacationing at home, Kate. There is also something satisfying about having our own veggies and flowers instead of relying on the store. Thank you for the nice comment.

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    1. Hi Lynette. Thanks for the nice comment. Looks like you’ve been enjoying your holiday. Such beautiful photos you’ve been sharing. Looks like a nice summer, weather-wise, by you, too.

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    1. Hi Anneli. You got all of the veggies correct. Those baby eggplant are so cute. I put up the marinade recipe I make with them a couple of years ago.

      That’s definitely my husband’s garden. He grows them and picks them. We both wash them and I cook them. Sometimes I pick some if they are easy to get at. His tomato plants have grown into a jungle. Three cherry tomato plants sprung up on their own (probably seeds from another year).

      I’m still not great at gardening my flowers, but I’m learning. I even got to pic a bouquet of roses and put them in a vase on my table. It’s so satisfying knowing I’m eating and admiring plants we did on our own instead of relying on the store.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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