life, thoughts

Shoulder Pads and Stick Pins

I have a lot of ideas for blogs that have yet to be drafted. I have notes written on what I want to say, and a few of them are going to require me to dive deep into the expanse of the mind. So, I thought I’d go with a lighter one today.

              Keeping it cozy and light.

Next week comes a yearly fund raiser that my dad puts on for his job. However, the event is not the focus of this post, rather, it’s about finding something to wear for this every year. I don’t own a lot of formal clothing. As I dug through my don’t-wear-anymore clothes closet hoping to find the golden outfit, I came across a pretty blouse with shear sleeves. Maybe I could wear it with my skirt. I slipped my arms into the fabric, buttoned it up and looked into the mirror? What’s this? Why do I look like a football player? Oh Lord. Shoulder pads! The shirt surely wasn’t from this century. Had I not been out shopping for dressy clothes for that long?

These are the pads I cut out of the blouse.

I do have one dress and one pretty skirt that I could’ve worn, but they were more for a wedding. Plus, I didn’t want to wear open-toed high heels, which is all I have for dresses.

So, I ended up doing something I despise . . . I went clothes shopping. I found a pair of dressy pants to wear. Thankfully, I DO have a twentieth century pretty top to match. However, the new pants needed to be hemmed.

Side note: Every pair of pants I buy needs to be hemmed.

I flicked through a box with different trinkets searching for a safety pin, when retro came calling again. What did I find this time? Stick pins. What the heck. Do I ever throw anything out? Maybe I hoped they would come back into style. It’s been long enough now, and it doesn’t appear that is going to happen. But, as soon as I get rid of them, you know they’ll become the latest trend.
Why not? Hip huggers became low-risers when they returned. Bell bottoms became flare bottoms in the retro rerun. I didn’t save any of those.

I’m waiting for earth shoes. They were comfy. I don’t like the dark-framed glasses from the fifties that are trending again. My shaped face does not fit the style.

Am I the only one who finds these old relics in her house? If I am, please don’t tell me.


19 thoughts on “Shoulder Pads and Stick Pins”

  1. I’ve moved four times in six years, so no relics have survived. But I sure do remember those shoulder pads, and laugh when I see old photos of me wearing them. But you’re right, they’ll come back in style soon, I’m sure! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We moved a few times back in 2015-16. I dumped a lot of stuff, but I guess not enough. 😛 When I look at those old photos, sometimes I wonder what we were thinking with those trends.

      Thanks for stopping by, Pam. Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lori, what are stick pins?! They look lovely and far too pretty to throw away. Have a great time at the fund-raiser and no, you’re not the only one with relics in the house! I’m shocked to see photos from the last century, even thirty years ago and I see I still have those items of clothing! Those old jumpers are soooo warm and snug!! Just like you for the formal, I had to go clothes shopping for something a bit fancier for my upcoming school visit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not sure if you’re my age, Annika, or if stick pins were not a trend in Europe in the ’80’s. They were a piece of jewelry to stick through a lapel or a blouse for decoration. It’s sort of like a pierced earring, where you take off one end to slip it through the fabric (ear) and then put a backing on so it doesn’t fall off. There were so many different kinds. I liked them.

      Well, I guess I’m really not alone in saving relics. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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    1. Ha. Thanks for the nice comment, Laura. I just changed themes. I think I did it after the first of the year. Thanks also, for not telling me I was the only one. 😉


  3. I’ve moved three times in less than three years so I’ve really pared down. I still manage to find stuff though that is heading towards museum quality.
    I’m not much of a fan of re-runs. I disliked bell bottoms and then disliked them even more when they showed up again under the precious moniker of flares. My I’m getting old! 😀

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    1. I know what you mean, Lynette. I moved three times in a few years when we transitioned from Florida to Chicago. I thought I got rid of stuff, but here I find more! Go figure. Thanks for sharing your experience, Lynette.


  4. When we downsized over a year ago, I finally let go of the clothes that I thought “I might wear again some day.” If I hadn’t worn it in a year, it went. Well, some dresses I kept, because I rarely wear dresses and they’re there for when I need them. But the rest went, including some with shoulder pads! 😄

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    1. Good for you for getting rid of that stuff when you downsized, Carrie. Every time I think I’ve let go of a lot of stuff I don’t need (like when we moved), more pops up again. I don’t know what I’m thinking. 😛

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  5. My whole closet is full of relics!!! I have a beautiful leather jacket that I haven’t worn for years because of the shoulder pads. I’ve used those exact words that you’ve said, “I look like a football player!” You are not alone!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Are leather jackets not in style? Of course, the shoulder pads would have to go. At least I could cut the pads out of that shirt I found. Thanks for sharing about your relics. 🙂

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