
In my first blog I wrote about how it fascinates me to figure out what drives each of us as individuals. So, my blog is a mixture of philosophy and daily life happenings.

I’m have perpetual curiosity. Always asking questions about different aspects of life. What causes relationships to sour or thrive? How do our environments, our educations, and our upbringings effect our behaviors and the way we interact. Adversity touches all of us at some point. How do we deal with it and what gives us hope?

This is what drives me to write stories with deep, rich characters in my two fiction books Through His Disciples’ Eyes and Whit’s End. My memoir, Home Avenue has four easy-read short stories with light-hearted lessons learned.

You can read more details about these books on my Memoirs and Fiction page.

I wrote a short story about my first dog in the book anthology Dogs and the Women Who Love Them. It’s about a beautiful life lesson I learned from my dog.

I’ve also had a couple of short stories published in the magazine, Angels on Earth.

In the 90’s, I wrote and published a deeply personal book about my struggle with infertility (using a different author name). The book is no longer available. I wrote a little about this topic in my blog post, Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled.

Our empty nest took us on another path to being dog people. I didn’t know anything about dogs until into my thirties. We got our first dog (on left), an Australian Shepherd. Of course we were heartbroken when he crossed to rainbow bridge. I really connected at the heart with him. Max1stsnowwm

Twenty-months after our first died, we adopted a three-year old Australian Shepherd. This guy was such a sweet love. An unusually calm Aussie. We lost him right before the dreaded virus hit.

Trescshot1wmTwo years ago we adopted a 21-month old Aussie we named Tre (Trey), because he’s our third. This guy has been more of a challenge than our previous Aussies. He’s keeping us on our toes and exercised in our older years.

We also fostered some mixed breeds and found them wonderful forever homes.

If you’d like to check out my writing style, there are blog links to my free-reads at the bottom of my Memoirs and Fiction page. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my work, and I look forward to your comments.

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