life, thoughts

Sock It To Me

We’re being told we’re going to get socked with snow this weekend. I do love a couple inches here and there, but this is supposed to be a big drop. Not only that, but they’re predicting a possible repeat next Tuesday.

Temps are going to take a dive, too.

I still don’t regret moving back to Chicago. My soul is at home here like warm, snuggly socks, and hot chocolate with marshmallows in front of a crackling fire.

See the mug with marshmallows?

I have a confession to make, though. This is my fourth winter back (been here three and a half years), and it’s the first time I’m experiencing cabin fever.

Living in Florida, the sun felt like a never-ending laser beam that my aching irises couldn’t escape (I posted often about it when I lived there). Now, I feel like I’m living in a windowless, dank dungeon. No matter how far I open the window blinds, the house is still dark. Cabin fever existed in Florida, too. We escaped the smothering heat for months on end, indoors, with the manufactured cold air.

I have a low tolerance for heat. I prefer the colder weather of seasonal environments. In winter, I often have a window cracked in a room or two. But, it’s the lack of light that seems to be snuffing me out these days. All I want to do is sleep.

Snow is exciting as long as I don’t have to drive in it, but it also keeps away the sun, and I’m wilting.

I’ve often been called Goldylocks. The name certainly fits my astrological sign . . . scales of balance.

This post wasn’t planned. I’ve decided to post a blog when something comes to mind. Sometimes ideas pour like a firehose, other times they trickle like a drippy faucet.

So what’s the weather like in your neck of the woods? Have you seen the sunshine more than I, or are you hibernating, like me?



23 thoughts on “Sock It To Me”

  1. I’m visiting my mom and daughter in So Cal right now, basking in the consistently lovely weather that I have missed so much while living in TN for the past 12 years.


  2. I am definitely a winter person myself. I grew up in South Africa and I was permanently too hot. I now live in the East of England, about an hour outside of London. I much prefer the weather here. I even go running when it’s sub-zero. The thing that I do struggle with a bit is the dark. Because it’s so far north in the winter the sun doesn’t come up until after 7am and it’s pitch dark by 4pm. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you are in a dungeon.

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    1. Oh Abbi, finally someone who gets me. This is exactly how I feel about the weather. I much prefer cooler climates, but the lack of light seems draining. Thanks for sharing this.

      BTW, it would be interesting to learn (from your blog) what it’s like to grow up in South Africa.


  3. Hi Lori, I remember those winter days in Chicago, and most certainly do not miss them. As kids, living in Hyde Park, we would go stir crazy and get out, even if the wind was blowing and it was bitterly cold (one New Year’s Day we walked all the way from 55th street, along the Lake Shore to McCormick Place – boy, were we glad to get home). I remember getting so depressed as the light began to change in the Autumn, because I knew what was right around the corner. Gray days, mounds of gray snow piled feet high in the parking lots, mounds that wouldn’t melt until the middle of May.
    Of course, now in California, I live for the cloudy days, and the possibility of some type of precipitation. You just can’t make some people happy!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. True. Just can’t make some people happy. I couldn’t take that nonstop beating sun in Florida, but the days have been dark an dreary back home. We got 6 inches of snow yesterday, but the sun is out, yippee! Oh, I forgot to mention, it’s 17 degrees today. 😛

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  4. You’ve gone from one extreme to another. I can’t believe it’s already over three years! Where has the time gone? Don’t worry. This winter weather can’t last too much longer. February is a short month and then things will start to ease up. Our weather report here? Wind and rain, of course!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Anneli. I know, right? It’ll be 4 years at the end of May! Most of it is still like new to me, but these dark days are getting old. You’re right, time is flying and the lighter days will be here soon. Thanks for the nice comment. 🙂

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  5. We had our first heavy snow on Thursday, but the sun soon came out so it didn’t last long – we may get more at the beginning of next week. I’m quite happy with the cold and the cosiness that goes with it, but the lack of light does get to me, particularly when I’m getting up at 6am to take the dog for a walk in the dark!

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    1. I know about walking the dog in the dark. Can’t wait until we start to see the longer days of sunshine.

      Thanks for sharing about the weather across the pond, Andrea. Have a cozy weekend. 🙂

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  6. Well, I have sun. But you might find the temp here a little too chilly. 😉 A wonderful fireplace might make a big difference – yours is terrific.

    Great snowy landscape photos – especially the first one. Definitely fireplace weather!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, the temp by you wouldn’t be a little too chilly for me. Heh. It would be WAY too chilly for me. LOL Our snow came overnight and Max has already been flopping around in it. Thanks for reading, Lynette.

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  7. No snow here, but it has been a dreary, rain fall/winter so far in Atlanta. I got excited when the sun peeked out haha. We still have the occasional beautiful, sunny 60-something day in January, so I can’t complain too much.

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    1. I’d like 60’s all year round, except right at Christmas for little snow. I know it gets hot in the summer in Atlanta, though.

      Enjoy your snowless weekend, Joy. 🙂


    1. Hi Jill. We considered moving to NC or TN when looking to get out of Florida. Of course, the job opportunity came up here. It’s better that we’re near my parents again, anyway. 😉 We’ve vacationed in NC before and really liked it.

      Have a great weekend. 🙂

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  8. We get your weather a day or so later and maybe a dab milder although your forecast looks a lot like ours. I suffer from the lack of sunshine too. I like it warm but not too warm (especially not hot and humid!). I can usually handle that but it’s the light I really like. Maybe I was a hibernating creature in another life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kate. Yeah, so I guess our weather is headed your way. We just got a bout of snow this afternoon and ti stopped, but the sock-it-to-me stuff is yet to come. I actually like it cool, but not cold.

      Is eastern PA where you grew up and have lived all your life?

      Liked by 1 person

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