life, thoughts

Home for the Fourth

Hello. I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July week. Despite the doldrums, mine was superb. Watched fireworks, went to a festival, rocked to a couple of my favorite bands, and saw a movie (Incredibles 2).

When I lived in Florida, I didn’t know how we’d ever get back to my hometown where my friends and family lived. For twenty-seven years the Universe twisted and contorted to bring us an opportunity for us to get back home. Finally, three years ago, a the opportunity arrived. For Independence day last week, I watched fireworks at my high school with my childhood friend. The night was surreal. I couldn’t believe it . . . I was home.

There are four short humorous and heartfelt stories about growing up in these suburbs, in my memoir anthology, Home Avenue. That friend I grew up with is mentioned throughout. I have another story I shared on my blog, here. There is another story about meeting my idol in the town where I grew up, here.

My doldrums last week lifted when celebrating the holiday with friends. There were a few reasons why I wasn’t feeling up to par, one being health issues. I don’t like to publicly complain about the pain I’m in daily. I try to stay positive, but sometimes it gets me down. I had a couple of others things happen, that added to my mood. I don’t stay in that frame of mind for long. I allow myself some down-time and then I move forward.

Working on my novel so blogging will be brief.

Did you do anything to celebrate the holiday, or did you use it to relax and enjoy the day off? If you aren’t in America, what do you do on national holidays?


25 thoughts on “Home for the Fourth”

  1. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. OK, you don’t even have to be steady. If it’s any consolation, you’re already a way more prolific writer than I will ever be. Maybe, even if you can’t be independent of your pain, at least you can make yourself independent of the need to beat yourself up for any self-perceived failings. Nobody’s perfect we all do just the best that we can, which varies from day to day and sometimes even from minute to minute. OK?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a kind thing to say. Thank you for saying I’m a prolific writer, but don’t put your own writing beneath anyone, most especially me. You just keep on keepin’ on. Like you said, we’re all doing the best we can. We’ll both keep moving forward. Have a great weekend.

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  2. I’m glad you’re feeling better and APPRECIATING being back home (I couldn’t comment on your newest post, so I’ll do so here – using a appreciation bank for those doldrum-y days is a great idea!) On the 4th, my guy and I watched the hometown 4th of July parade with our kids and 6 grandkids (a rare occurrence that I appreciated immensely). Fire trucks, jazz bands and rock bands, marching bands and horses. It was grand.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Pam. Sorry about the comment thing. I usually close comments on Friday quotes. I’m glad you commented here though. Your 4th of July celebration surely did sound grand. It’s wonderful that your family was able to attend and enjoy the day together. Those moments surely do deserve stashing away into that appreciation bank. Have a great weekend.

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  3. I understand how you don’t like to talk about health issues publicly. Am already wondering why the heck I did! Sorry you are in daily pain. Sorry we’re both struggling these days. 😦

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    1. Heya Kathy. Sometimes we just need to express how we’re feeling and want someone to listen. Your readers understand, and it gives them a chance to express themselves as well. I appreciate that you shared.

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  4. Sounds like moving back home was the right decision for you. I lived out of state for 5 years and then moved back home. I didn’t live so far away that I couldn’t drive back home when I needed a hometown lift but it’s nice to feel the familiar all the time.

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