
For Better or For Worse

Four years since I wrote this post, and on this anniversary, the message still applies. Have a great weekend everyone.

Lori's Lane

Recently, I got confused about my age. I had my birthday in the fall and thought I had turned twenty-nine, but it turns out that yesterday was my twenty-ninth wedding anniversary!

scan0001Look at these clueless children who married at the age of twelve. Okay, maybe they were a tiny bit older, I canโ€™t remember for sure.

Can I be frank?

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17 thoughts on “For Better or For Worse”

  1. Happy Anniversary – look how cute the two of you were! ๐Ÿ™‚

    But yes, there was so much there that you didn’t know about, and if you had, it might have terrified you into not marrying or having the life you had. It’s good that we can’t see too far down the road.

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    1. Yeah, I was terrified enough without knowing what was ahead. I’d probably would’ve been a runaway bride had I known. Thank you for the happy wishes, Lynette. Have a great weekend.

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