life, thoughts


It’s kind of a busy week, so this post will be short and sweet. Well, maybe more savory than sweet.

My dad finally retired at age seventy-eight, and on Sunday I went to his last brunch fund raiser. That same evening I didn’t feel so well. Got sick. Not sure if it was too much Mimosa, or if I caught a virus from my twelve-year-old nephew who was sitting next to me.

Whenever I don’t feel like eating because I’m sick, the only thing that sounds good to me is pastina. Ever heard of it?

My mom used to serve me pastina when I had a tummy ache as a child. Not only do I find this tiny, buttered pasta delicious, but it comforts my soul.

Do you have a food from you childhood that comforts your soul when you’re sick?

23 thoughts on “Pastina”

      1. Oh no. I hope you weren’t trudging through that snow with pneumonia. You needed my pastina and my homemade chicken soup. Hope you are feeling better now.


    1. Hi L. After writing about pastina, I went for a haircut and then stopped at Caputo’s to buy pastina. My own post made me hungry for it. I bought it in the Barilla brand.

      Thanks for the well wishes. I was fine the next day, so I think it was just too much Mimosa (the brunch was in Addison at Alta Villa).

      Hopefully this snow is brief and it gets nicer out. Have a nice rest-of-the-week. 🙂


    1. Chicken broth with sells sounds very comforting when sick. I also have a chicken soup recipe that I usually have on hand (freezer or fridge) for anyone who might get sick. Thanks for sharing, BCM. 🙂

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    1. Yes, chicken soup is my other go-to when sick. I put up my recipe for chicken soup some time ago. I usually have some on hand (in freezer or fridge) for any family member if they get sick. I always tell them it’ll grow back a limb. 😉 Thanks for sharing, Carrie.


      1. Hi Cher. I know what you meant. I think I had too much Mimosa. It was nice to see you there, too. Thank you for reading my blog. ❤


    1. Oh yes. My husband’s is grilled cheese, too. Thanks, Jill. I’m feeling better. I’m pretty sure it was too much Mimosa. I was fine the next day. 😛

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