life, weather

Springing Forward

Hi. How are you today? Are you enjoying the transition to spring?

I’m certainly enjoying the metamorphosis. Everything always remained the same where I lived before. The change of seasons is magical.

I’m sitting in the little alcove in our new home near an open window, enjoying a refreshing breeze that carries the scent of fresh cut grass. Ahh.

I haven’t run out of ideas for blogging, but I am writing and editing my WIP, as well as critiquing for others. So, I don’t have a lot of time for blogging right now. But, I wanted to pop in.

Thanks for sticking by me and my blog. I hope I can get this novel finished, or at least get it up to snuff to share a little preview. I wrote about ten chapters and had to go back. It wasn’t coming together cohesively and was breaking apart as I went along. I’m up to re-working Chapter Six, so I’m springing forward (so-to-speak). Now that spring is here, I’m sure I’ll get there soon. 🙂 The first draft of the first few pages can be found here, but it has changed some since.

Hope everyone who reads this is doing well.

Happy Spring


7 thoughts on “Springing Forward”

  1. I love spring. I’ve been taking pictures every day to capture the subtle changes and the bursts of life.

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    1. Thanks, Jill. There were tulips all over that park last spring. Max stopped in that one spot and kept sniffing around there, so I kept snapping shots. I have so many from that spot last year. We don’t have many yet this year, but the one at the top with the pink tulips is from yesterday. Have a good hump day! 😀

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    1. Stay safe and warm. We’re finally seeing some new growth. The picture of Max with the tulips is from last year, but the top photo of the pink tulips is from yesterday. Take care, Anneli.

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