life, Spirituality

A Place (I Am)

A Place (I Am)helen sunset wm 2

There is a place inside of me
that is still and silent.
The place feels safe.
The place feels calming.
The place deflates my tension.
My ego thoughts float away
and I am left with
the I am that I am.
Tears fill my eyes
their droplets tap my chest.
The comfort in this place
reminds me I am loved,
reminds me I am the child
in whom God is well pleased.
I am humbled.
I am exalted.
I am the I am that I am.

by Lori (L. Virelli)

17 thoughts on “A Place (I Am)”

    1. Thank you for coming over to read it, Kathy. It is sometimes difficult to remember the directions to this place, but once there, it is bliss.


    1. Some poems I write feel a scary bit personal to share publically, and this one was on the cusp. Thank you for coming over, Pete. I appreciate it, and your comment.


    1. Thank you, Maggie. Sometimes I speak it out loud like a prayer. It helps to relax me when I’ve been stressed. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.


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