life, philosophy, Spirituality

Can you say control-freak?

I can best describe a control-freak with a line from the television show King of the Hill.

Characters name: Peggy Hill

Scene description: Peggy does something manipulative to get her husband, Hank’s attention on a specific matter. Hank tells her not to manipulate the situation again.

Peggy’s response: Believe me, I prayed on it, Hank. And God told me “Don’t do it.” But you know what? I knew better!

Intellectually I know that God loves me and wants only for me that which brings me joy. I understand that I can draw on the gift of God’s divinity to manifest my good. So, why do I feel like God might give me an outcome to a problem that won’t be good? I mean, we see bad things happening around us every day (in the news and to people we know). If bad things are happening all around me, what makes me think I can get something good? So, I pray to God, and in fearing an undesirable outcome, I pull a “Peggy Hill.”

The one thing I do know after many years of struggling with this issue, is that I don’t have control over another person (this may be a subject for a future blog).

I can’t remember the title of a book I read a long time ago, but it described an exercise in surrender. It said to state your intention in prayer, and then release it. Leave it at God’s altar and trust in divine order.

Ultimately, it’s the fear of the unknown outcome that gets me every time. If only I knew the outcome, whether it be bad or good, I could prepare, or in other words … control.

Here’s the thing … it’s my belief that my thoughts create my world. Constant worries (mine) put out negative energy which can create something negative. My goal is to change my thought pattern. I know I may not rid myself of all worry. But, when I find worry and anxiety arising, I can acknowledge them, and make a shift to a more positive possibility.

Below is a reading from my daily prayer book the Daily Word.

If I am worried about future circumstances or doubting my present good, I recognize that I am responsible for the thoughts I hold and the words I speak.

Is my self-talk negative or worrisome, or uplifting and empowering? Am I steadfast in honoring the presence of God … or is my faith wavering? The choice is mine. I direct the power of my thoughts and words.

I consciously choose to think and speak uplifting words of Truth and gratitude to myself and others. As I do, my concerns dissipate and my faith strengthens.

I shift my consciousness to empower myself and others …

For use of any photos on this post, please attribute to Lori and this blog.

9 thoughts on “Can you say control-freak?”

  1. Fear of the unknown gets so many of us so many times, Lori. I know it gets me too often. I like how you are looking at this and becoming aware and choosing other options. I do enjoy reading your posts.


    1. Let’s hope I can put into practice what I write on my blog. 🙂 Thanks, Kathy, for reading it, and for your kind comments. Hope Barry is doing well.


  2. I remind myself constantly that God, in its infinite and eternal wisdom and glory, is expressing itself through me as me. All my doubts and fears are reflections of my contracted understanding of the true nature of who I AM. This practice of remembrance gets me through the dark spots. xoxoM


    1. This is good that you are able to remind yourself of this and go with the flow. I know it intellectually, but somehow I don’t ‘live’ it. IOW, put what I believe into practice. Writing it out here on my blog helps though. Thanks for sharing your insight, Margarita.


  3. Great post. I’m with you in so many way, and your suggestion re indulging those control freak tendencies to think positive creative thoughts is very clever, rather than like me manifesting them via controlling my environment which can be quite a redundant exercise as many environments do not submit naturally to control!


  4. I am a complete control freak. Not of other people, but of things around me. Tidy, order, organized, or in other words, a manager of things. However, you would laugh at me if you saw the mess on my laptop’s desktop. Geez!


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